Newsletter Best-Of

Banner Header-Position1

Dimensions: 600x200px
File size: max. 100 KB
Formats: GIF / JPEG
Note: Integration of Click Command and Tracking Pixel is possible for all formats

General Guidelines

Channel Costs
1 Banner, Format Topbanner (600x200px)
2 publications
1 Banner, Format Topbanner (600x200px)
4 publications

Banner Instream2

Dimensions: 300x250px
File size: max. 100 KB
Formats: GIF / JPEG
Note: Integration of Click Command and Tracking Pixel is possible for all formats

General Guidelines

Channel Costs
1 Banner, Format Medium Rectangle
2 publications
1 Banner, Format Medium Rectangle
4 publication

Text Ad/Promo3

Textad incl. title and image
Textad with a maximum of 200 characters (inkl. spaces) plus title (max. 50 characters) and Call-to-Action

Image sizes/File size:
600x450px or 600x300px; max. 100KB

Change of subject during runtime: +100 CHF/change

Channel Costs
1 Text Ad, 200 characters*, incl. image**
2 publications***
1 Text Ad, 200 characters*, incl. image**
4 publications

* plus title (max. 50 characters) and link/CTA
** image size: 600x450px or 600x300px; max. 100KB
*** change of subject (during runtime): +100 CHF/change